
Outstanding Graduates History


Carissa Corrigan

Carissa Corrigan

Carissa Corrigan '23 and her work are music to every professors ears. Always present and prepared, she brings quiet but infectious joy to every classroom she joins. She marched triumphantly through the history major and regularly found ways to integrate it with her other major, Music Education. A highlight was a paper on the Beatles.



Chloe White

Chloe White

Chloe White '23 arrived at 做厙惇蹋app with self-confidence and ambition. She decided early on to double-major, and history was lucky enough to be one of the two (philosophy being the other). Even that was not enough: she worked hard on her French, and won the Etienne Gros Prize for Academic Excellence in Literature from the Institute of American Univerities in Southern France.




Addie Michaelian

The challenge in speaking of Addie Michaelian '22 is that you run the risk of repeating yourself: she is an excellent researcher, an excellent communicator, an excellent thinker. She works hard: she doesnt just put in the hours needed for any given assignment; she pays very close attention, not just to what is being said but also to what might be missing, to what is going on in the periphery, to what one might consider counter-intuitive.

Steven Zichichi

While COVID repeatedly thwarted Steven Zichichi attempts to do a semester off-campus, it did not prevent him growing into an outstanding student of history and more. Steven is quiet and unassuming, but when he opens his mouth, other students listen. He has been a pleasure to teach, and the history department will miss him.


Anastasia Heaton

As Anastasia Heaton '21 approaches the finish line of her 做厙惇蹋app degree, she does so with a 4.0 GPA. This is just one marker, however, of how exceptional Anastasia is as a student. Anastasia produces consistently excellent work, the fruit of hours of study and careful writing. She has a particular interest in Russian history, and has spent two summers studying the language on State Department Critical Language Scholarships. She is completing major honors in history, examining child diplomacy during the Cold War. The history department is grateful for all Anastasias outstanding work, and looks forward to watching her path in the coming years.

Taylor Jennings

Taylor Jennings '21 is a James Bond student; he has been able to sustain the demands of two majors and his athletic commitments with apparent ease and grace. Taylor is quiet but mighty. His fellow students soon realize that when Taylor opens his mouth, its worth listening. His insights into history are measured and mature. He does not accept the easy answers and instead approaches complex issues and challenging assignments deliberately and thoughtfully. For his history senior research seminar, Taylor mined primary and secondary literature to make an intriguing case that the use of horses became a catalyst for the development of other technologies used to pacify the Comanche. The paper demonstrated Taylors gifts as a writer and analyzer of texts. One senses with Taylor that truth is paramount and that he is willing to go the extra mile to discover it and then align his life to it. Taylor combines intellectual intensity with an attractive levity. His many talents and diverse interests will serve him well in our rapidly changing world.


 Cassidy Rea and Ella Urquart

Cassidy Reas ('20) skills as a scholar and her contribution in the classroom in many ways mirror those she displays as an athlete on the court: She is equally committed to performing at her best as bringing out the best in others. Cassidy delivers consistently high-quality written work and adds value to any class discussion as she effortlessly integrates material from different readings, discussions, and courses. I think we have all been encouraged in our own work by an affirming word from Cassidy as well as by the quiet, diligent way she tackles her own tasks. Cassidy synthesizes the fierce determination of a champion athlete and leader with the gentleness of a dear friend. We are very thankful for all she has contributed to the History department, her other team, during her time at 做厙惇蹋app. Two thumbs up for Cassidy.

 Ella Urquhart '20 was on her way to learning most world languages -or so it seemed. But she got caught in the nets of history, and she found a home there. A home where she could ask her many questions, be skeptical about answers, do more research, and emerge with beautifully crafted work that furthers her readers knowledge and imagination. She has excelled in all the skills historians prize, not only because she has an impeccable work ethic and a razor-sharp mind, but also because her curiosity seems insatiable. She is eager to go back to another one of her homes (besides history), on the continent of Africa. Once she settles, there is no doubt she will put her talents to good use, and pick up a few languages along the way.


Gabriel Grabowski

Gabriel Grabowski '19, a double major in history and Spanish, won the Outstanding Senior Awards for both history and modern languages. Whether learning from Ensenada pastors with Potters Clay, listening to his host family on 做厙惇蹋app in Mexico, engaging local issues at the 做厙惇蹋app Downtown program, or evaluating competing historical interpretations in a senior research seminar, Gabe has been the same person: humble, kind, teachable, gracious, thoughtful, wise and courageous, says Rick Pointer, chair of the history department. He is willing to ask the hard questions and to wrestle ably with the theological and moral ambiguities that history and life present.

Grabowski completed research projects on the memory of Danish resistance during the Holocaust and the history of 做厙惇蹋apps Potters Clay in the context of 20th-century American evangelicalism. Although he clearly loves research and writing, Gabe is passionate about cross-cultural service, and especially serving the marginalized, says Mary Docter, chair of the modern languages department.

After studying in Quer矇taro, Mexico, Gabriel mentored students cross-culturally during summers in Spain, and has worked with immigrants and refugees as a resettlement and placement intern at World Relief and as a local volunteer at Immigrant Hope. He has served as a student representative of the Homelessness Collaborative for the Santa Barbara Alliance for Community Transformation.

Ive been deeply inspired and supported by the 做厙惇蹋app community: Sodexo workers, professors, friends, staff, therapists, gardeners, campus pastors, and nameless students writing prayers in notebooks in the prayer chapel, he says.

A 2019-20 Fulbright recipient, Gabriel will travel to Argentina this spring to work with college students and examine issues of globalization and transnationalism. Ultimately, Im just going to pursue the best thing in front of me in each season and seek Jesus, love my neighbors, he says. I hope someday that means being able to teach, write, and spend lots of time outdoors.


Jordan Baldridge

For his senior history thesis, Jordan Baldridge '18 used the UCLA Archives and other sources to study the papers of former mayor Tom Bradley to determine what forces shaped the public policy response to the 1992 Los Angeles uprising and riots. Participating in 做厙惇蹋app in Istanbul made a significant impact on him, and two years later he served as the programs assistant director. The four years I spent learning from Heather Keaney and her husband, Jim Wright (who co-direct the Istanbul and Cairo programs), have shaped much of my post-college outlook in transformative ways, he says. Baldridge also studied with 做厙惇蹋app Downtown where Rachel Winslow became a valuable mentor. Next year hell work with her at 做厙惇蹋app Downtown to pursue a community project. He is considering different graduate programs in history, public administration and public policy and hopes to pursue a career in community development or local government.


John Dietrich

John Detrichs ('17) keen mind and personable manner have been on display inside and outside the classroom since the first day he arrived at 做厙惇蹋app. Whether conducting campus tours for the admissions office, serving in student government, providing youth ministry leadership at Christ Presbyterian Church, or working as a research assistant for history faculty, he has blessed others through his wit, wisdom, and winsomeness. John has fused his strong interests and capabilities in theology and philosophy with his historical studies and brought penetrating questions to his courses and his own historical research. His excellent thinking, writing, and organizational skills are already bearing fruit in the workplace, as he interns this spring with both ON Design Architecture and Planning firm and the Real Property Division of the County of Santa Barbara.


Madeleine Tappy

It has been a joy for her professors to travel with Madeleine Tappy '16 through her 做厙惇蹋app career. Madeleine quickly stood out during her first semester and she continued to gain their high opinion throughout her time at 做厙惇蹋app, again emphasized by her time on the 做厙惇蹋app in Istanbul program and finally by her outstanding senior thesis. Madeleine is a strikingly rounded person. In her photography she captures the essence of a place, such as Istanbuls Aya Sophie framed by crumbly apartment blocks. She is highly empathetic, bringing the same high level of conscientiousness to the pastoral care of her residents as to her academic 8 studies. Madeleine is very much her own person. She will come up with her own vision for success. Whatever that vision is, we are deeply confident that she will achieve it.


Bethany Day

Bethany Day '15 is an outstanding student, a history major with an emphasis on the Middle East, as well as two minors in Religious Studies and Anthropology. She has been an RA twice and in the year in between participated in the 做厙惇蹋app in Istanbul study abroad semester. She is returning to Turkey in the Fall to work for a year and plan her next move, most likely graduate school. Bethany is able to make the ambitious seem effortless. Her work, whether a major research paper or a small reading response paragraph, is always of the highest quality. She negotiates new cultures and assignments with the same smile of determination and anticipation. It has been a joy to walk alongside her in the classroom and on Istiklal Street.