
app Magazine Opening a Door of Hope

Kathryn Merrill ’56 has served as a missionary in Taiwan for the last 29 years with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) in a ministry run primarily through the Door of Hope Children’s Refuge. Presently she works with alumnae from the orphanage and their families.

<p.On November 19, the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior (MOI) recognized her service by giving her one of the first “Respected Religious Leaders” awards. MOI officials honored 54 foreigners, mostly Protestant and Catholic missionaries, from 18 countries. Kathryn attended the award ceremony in Taipei with three former orphans, one of whom now works with her in the outreach to orphanage alumnae. Kathryn’s trophy reads, “In appreciation of your contribution to the development of Taiwan.” “I thank the Lord for leading me to serve Him in Taiwan and for the many opportunities I have had to tell others about him,” she writes.