
Office of the Registrar Registration


  1. The normal academic load is 16 units per semester, plus 1 unit of physical education activity (P.E.A.) as required.
  2. Minimum full-time academic load: 12 units.
  3. Maximum load for students on academic probation: 16 units + 1 P.E.A.
  4. The maximum full-time load for a student who does not meet the grade point average requirement for an overload (noted below) is 18 units.
  5. Maximum full-time overload: 20 units + 1 P.E.A., providing the student meets one of the following requirements:
    1. 3.00 cumulative GPA or
    2. 3.00 semester GPA for the previous two terms (minimum of 12 units each term) or
    3. A first semester Presidential or Augustinian Scholar (after the conclusion of the first semester the GPA requirements would determine overload eligibility).


  1. Maximum load per 5-week session: 8 units plus one P.E. activity.




  1. Effective with the first day of classes, all schedule changes (adds/drops) require the instructor's signature on an Add/Drop form or the instructor may enter the change in Waypoint.
  2. Deadline to add: Seventh class day of the semester at 3:30 p.m.
  3. Deadline to withdraw without record (W): Seventh class day of the semester at 3:30 p.m.
  4. Deadline for withdrawal (W): Approximately twelve weeks into the semester. See current academic calendar for exact date.
  5. Deadline for change of grading option to Pass/No Credit: Approximately twelve weeks into the semester. See current academic calendar for exact date.


Late additions or withdrawals from classes may be made only if approved by the Academic Senate Review Committee. A late fee of $40 will be assessed for each approved late add.

  1. Student initiates petition (available on the Registrar's webpage or at the Student Records Office)
  2. Instructor should verify on petition a) date attendance began, or b) date attendance ceased.
  3. Advisor should sign, indicating he or she has counseled with the student concerning the academic load and program. Faculty comments on the petition form or via email to the registrar are invited, but not required. Signatures are required before the petition will be considered.
  4. If a petition for late registration or withdrawal is approved, the student submits an add/drop form.
  5. If withdrawing from a class leaves the student with fewer than twelve (12) units, the Financial Aid office and Housing Office will be notified.
  6. Withdrawal from a class after the 12th week of the semester is not normally allowed and is by petition only. If the petition is granted, a grade of W will be assigned.


  1. An audit registration is a non-credit registration for the student who wishes to attend lectures in a course, or participate in musical ensembles or private lessons, without any responsibility to take examinations, complete homework or papers, practice hours, or to be evaluated.
  2. Audit registrations are also available for special students who wish to sit in on course lectures for information or review purpose.
  3. Changes from credit to audit or audit to credit will be permitted only through the last day to register in a course for credit (7th class day of semester).
  4. Audit registration will not be included in computing a full-time academic load.
  5. An audit fee will be assessed for audit registration to part-time students only.
  6. Required course fees and private lesson fees will be charged for all audits.
  7. Audit registration will appear on the student’s record only if faculty indicates that student participated as an auditor for the full term.