
app Magazine The Newest Trustee

Daniel Villanueva, an entrepreneur and experienced trustee of organizations such as Fuller Seminary and World Vision Interna-tional, has joined the board at app.

President of the Villanueva Companies, a group interested in broadcasting, real estate, and investment services, he also co-founded Moya, Villanueva & Associates Inc., a national marketing and public relations firm, and Radio America Inc., involved in national syndication and station ownership.

Recently, he helped launch major league soccer in Southern California as president of the Los Angeles Galaxy. He is also a member of the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute, a think tank affiliated with the Claremont Graduate University and the University of Texas at Austin that studies Hispanic issues.

“We are so pleased to have Danny join app’s board,” President David Winter said. “He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that will benefit the college in many ways.”

Villaneuva and his wife, Judy, live in San Marino, Calif., with their three children.