
Secondary Education Music (4 + 1)

Note to students:  Remember that this is a SAMPLE.  Your schedule, for many reasons, will probably not end up looking exactly like this.  Lighter loads could be achieved with AP or summer coursework. Course in italics are only required for those student currently holding a music scholarship. Students seeking to participate in an off-campus program will need to be mindful of the sequencing of music courses and the rotating nature of the offerings in the area of the instrument pedagogy. 

Sample Schedule

FALL (15)
  • MU 010: Principles of Music I (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • GE – Common Context (4)
  • GE – Common Inquiries (4)
  • PEA 32: Fitness for Life (1)
  • MU 012: Principles of Music II (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • ENG 2: Composition  (4)
  • GE – Common Context (4)
  • MUA: Secondary Private Lessons (1)
FALL (15)
  • MU 110: Principles of Music III (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • MUA 165: Brass Techniques (1)
  • GE – Common Context (4)
  • GE – Common Inquiries (4)
  • MU 112: Principles of Music IV (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • MUA 168: Percussion Techniques (1)
  • MUA Jazz Ensemble (1)
  • MUA Secondary Private Lesson (1)
  • GE – Common Context (4)
  • ENG 106: Language Acquisition (4)
FALL (18)
  • MU 120: History of Western Music I (4)
  • MA 002: Mathematics of Music (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • MUA 166: Woodwind Techniques (1)
  • MU 015: Conducting (2)
  • ED 101: Explorations in Teaching (4)
  • PEA (1)
  • MU 093: Junior Recital
  • MU 121: History of Western Music II (4)
  • MU 123: Survey of World Music (4)
  • GE – Common Inquiries (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MU 115: Advanced Conducting (2)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • MUA 167: String Techniques (1)
  • PEA (1)
FALL (18)
  • GE – Common Inquiries (4)
  • GE – Common Inquiries (4)
  • MUA 175: Vocal Techniques (4)
  • MU 184: Music for Children (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • GE – Common Contexts (4)
  • MU 185: Music in the Secondary Schools (4)
  • GE – Foreign Language (4)
  • MUA: Private Lessons (1)
  • MUA: Ensemble (1)
  • PEA (1)
  • ED 161: Technology for the Classroom Teacher (2)
Fall (19)
  • ED 105: Cultural Diversity (4)
  • ED 111: Educational Psychology (4)
  • ED 171: Content Area Literacy (4)
  • ED 130: Special Education (2)
  • KNS 156: Health Education (2)
  • MUA: Private Lesson
  • MUA: Ensemble
  • ED 191: Student Teaching (12)
  • ED 196: Student Teaching Seminar (3)
  • The BM degree is completed at the end of the 4th year and the Teacher Credential is completed in the 5th year.
  • Students must pass the piano proficiency exam prior to the end of their 4th year.
  • Courses in bold print are pre- or co-requisites to the Credential Program

To download a printable PDF of the schedule, click here.