
Secondary Education Mathematics Fast Track

Note to students: The fast track in mathematics teacher preparation is for highly-motivated students who like mathematics and are good at it. The schedule below assumes that you are entering app with credit for MA-9 and MA-10; Calculus I & II. Requirements will differ if you enter app without AP or college credit. Remember that this is a SAMPLE. Your schedule, for many reasons, will probably not end up looking exactly like this. What’s shown is a “fast-track” schedule. Be aware that you also have the option of completing the Math major over a four-year period, with a fifth year reserved for your teaching credential. Please confer with Math department advisor as major requirements sometimes change. Pre-requisites for the Education Program are in bold.
FALL (17)
  • MA 10: Calculus II (4)
  • MA 15: Discrete Mathematics (4)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • GE Common Skill: Foreign Language (4)
  • PEA 32: Fitness for Life (1)
  • MA 20: Linear Algebra (4)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • ENG 2: Composition (4)
  • PEA (1)
FALL (19)
  • MA 19: Multivariable Calculus (4)
  • MA Breadth (4)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • GE Common Inquiry (4)
  • KNS 156: Health Education (2)
  • PEA (1)
  • GE Common Context (4)
  • GE Common Inquiry: Physical Science (4)
  • GE Common Inquiry (4)
  • ENG 106: Language Acquisition (4)
  • ED 161: Technology for the Classroom Teacher (2)
FALL (21)
  • ED 105: Cultural Diversity (4)
  • GE Common Inquiry (4)
  • MA 108 Analysis or MA 110: Modern Algebra (4)
  • MA Breadth (4)
  • MA 108 Analysis or MA 110 Mod. Algebra (4)
  • PEA (1)
  • GE Common Inquiry (4)
  • GE Common Inquiry (4)
  • ED 101: Explorations in Teaching (4)
  • Elective (4)
  • MA 180: Problem Solving Seminar (1)
FALL (14)
  • ED 111: Educational Psychology (4)
  • ED 124: Mathematics Curri. & Instruc. Planning (4)
  • ED 171: Content Area Literacy (4) 
  • ED 130: Special Education (2)
  • ED 191: Student Teaching (12)
  • ED 196: Student Teaching seminar (3)
Assumptions underlying this plan:
  • This program will work for the BA degree, but not for the BS degree.
  • This program will work only for a very talented student in two respects, namely (1) that the student be able to begin the program with third-semester calculus in the fall of the first year; and (2) that the student take the first foundational course in our major (MA 108 or MA 110) in the second year—this program has been a challenge for students in the past.
  • GE requirements for Reasoning Abstractly and Quantitative & Analytical Reasoning will be fulfilled within major.

To download a printable PDF of the schedule, click here.