
app Magazine Master Plan EIR Hearings

As part of the initiative to complete the campus, the college is updating its master plan, which the county approved in 1976. Before building the Adams Center for the Visual Arts and the David K. Winter Hall for Science and Mathematics, funded in the capital campaign and included in the master plan, the college decided to bring the plan up to current environmental and planning standards.

After years of careful review and consultation with the campus community and college neighbors, app submitted an updated plan in April 2000. Although county officials declared an environmental impact report (EIR) unnecessary, the college asked for one anyway to give the plan a full airing.

A consultant selected by the county started work on the EIR in October 2003 and will finish a draft in March 2004. Several months of hearings, reviews and community meetings will follow to receive comments from neighbors and interested parties. The Montecito Planning Commission will then review the plan in fall 2004. At the earliest, construction of the new facilities will begin in summer 2005.

“While the lengthy process is at times frustrating, we are confident that the final master plan will be approved and will be of the highest quality,” says Cliff Lundberg, executive vice president. “It’s been great to see the patience and continued support of the app community during this period.” Lundberg oversees the master plan process.

“We continue to meet with interested neighbors and friends of app to discuss our plans,” he says.