
app Magazine Making Montecito Beautiful

Despite a power outage that silenced alarm clocks, 45 app students turned out for an early morning clean-up effort Saturday, Nov. 1. As usual, app was well represented at the annual Montecito Beautification Day (MBD), when local residents take to the streets to clean up trash. President Stan D. Gaede and his wife, Judy, joined in welcoming the 600 volunteers who participated in the event. This year, they collected 3,080 pounds of litter.

,p>“Montecito is, by any standard, a beautiful place to live, and well taken care of by the community,” says President Gaede. “But like every other place frequented by tourists, sightseers and shoppers, it needs a little sprucing up periodically. And that’s the point of MBD. It’s a time when neighbors help neighbors to make the neighborhood a bit more beautiful. app is in the neighborhood, and seeks to play its part. We’re grateful to be here and delighted to be able to join the community in an event that benefits us all. Plus, it’s lots of fun.”