
Campus Life Intercultural Organizations: Common Application Information

Intercultural Organizations

Intercultural Organizations (ICOs) are under the Intercultural Programs Office (ICP). An intercultural organization focuses on ethnicity or race as a means to support, educate and celebrate different cultures and perspectives among our students and on our campus. Events, programs and meetings will be framed by the college’s learning standard for diversity and by ICP’s mission, vision and goals. All students of any ethnic/racial/cultural background may apply to be a leader and co-leader of any ICO such as the Asian Student Association (ASA), Black Student Union (BSU), Latinx Student Union (LSU), Multi-Ethnic Student Association (MESA), Global & International Student Association (GISA), and White Students for Racial Justice (WRJ).

NOTE: A requirement for all ICP Student Leaders is to take the IS-130 course (Racial Justice Study Series) in the Fall. This is a two unit course that meets for 2 hours once a week.

Intercultural Organizations Website

Business Manager for ICOs [1] (Approximately 4-6 hours/week):

* Attend August training and retreat, monthly leadership lunches.

* Attend the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation (SCORR) at Biola in February.

* Attend and serve as a small group leader for the spring semester The Next Step Workshop.

* Attend bi-weekly or weekly ICP staff meetings.

* Respond to emails from ICP office in a timely manner.

* Work with each ICO to create a budget for the academic year. Update budgets in the spring semester as needed.

* Track expenses for each ICO and discuss overage with Advisor before approval for reimbursements.

* Submit check requests for reimbursements and stipends on a timely basis.

* Provide Leadership and support to each ICO 
* Meet with ICP director bi-weekly.

* Write end of year report for next year's business manager. 

* Work with the ICO core team to develop a mission, vision and goals for the academic year.

* Attend events and meetings scheduled by ICP office.

* Take the 2 unit Racial Justice Study Series Course (IS-330) in the Fall

Leader of an ICO (ASA, BSU, LSU, GISA, MESA or WRJ) [1 for each ICO] (Approximately 4-6 hours/week):

* Attend bi-weekly or weekly ICP staff meetings.
* Schedule and facilitate cabinet meetings.
* Communicate with cabinet members on a regular basis such as meeting reminders, tasks, etc.
* Follow-up with cabinet members to assure completion of tasks.
* Keep cabinet members accountable for attending cabinet meetings.
* Work with cabinet to develop a mission, vision and goals for the academic year.
* Assess and review programs with cabinet.
* Attend events and meetings scheduled by ICP office.
* Respond to emails from ICP office in a timely manner.

* Write end of year report with cabinet for the Advisor and for next year's cabinet. 
* Meet with ICP director bi-weekly. 
* Attend August training and retreat, monthly leadership lunches.
* Attend the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation (SCORR) at Biola in February

* Attend and serve as a small group leader for the spring semester The Next Step Workshop.

* Take the 2 unit Racial Justice Study Series Course (IS-330) in the Fall

Co-Leader of an ICO (ASA, BSU, LSU, GISA, MESA or WRJ) [1 for each ICO] (Approximately 4-6 hours/week):

* Attend bi-weekly or weekly ICP staff meetings. 
* Support the president by facilitating meetings and decisions, following-up on tasks and communicating with cabinet if the president is unavailable.
* Work with cabinet to develop a mission, vision and goals for the academic year.
* Submit receipts for programs to ICP director for reimbursement.
* Attend events and meetings scheduled by ICP office.
* Respond to emails from ICP office in a timely manner.
* Write end of year report with cabinet for the Advisor and for next year's cabinet. 
* Attend August training and retreat, monthly leadership lunches.
* Attend the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation (SCORR) at Biola in February.

* Attend and serve as a small group leader for the spring semester The Next Step Workshop.

* Take the 2 unit Racial Justice Study Series Course (IS-330) in the Fall