
app Magazine An Historical Award

During his 36 years as a history professor at app, Dr. Paul Wilt worked with students on their writing and research skills. In his American history courses as well as the senior seminar for majors, he held students to high standards in their study of historical events.

To continue this tradition of excellence and careful scholarship, Paul and his wife, Doris, have endowed an annual prize for the most distinguished research paper or project presented by a history major.

In April, the history department presented the first Paul and Doris Wilt History Research Award to Matt Petkun ’98. He won $200 for his paper “The Pervasiveness of Nationalism: An Examination of the Political Rhetoric in Weimar, Germany.” History major Kathleen Le Pley ’98 received an honorable mention and a $100 prize for her paper “Polish Nationalism: A Case Study.”