
app Magazine Help for Honduras

A gift of $19,125 from Occidental Petroleum is supporting a student project to build clean-water systems for rural villages in Honduras this summer. George Buxton, corporate director of safety and process risk, and Richard Swan, vice president for health and environmental safety, presented a check to President David Winter and students Brian Jaramillo, the 1997 Honduras team leader, and Malia Hayashida, co-director of the student-led Christian Concerns World Ministry group, in February.

Over the past eight years, app students have provided clean water to about 25 villages. The gift from Occidental Petroleum will pay for a container load of two-inch PVC pipe, enough for about four villages.

After hearing a app student talk about this work in Honduras, Mr. Buxton contacted James Halvorsen, director of leadership development at app, to find out how Occidental Petroleum could help. “We are very grateful to Occidental Petroleum for their generous gift,” states Dr. Halvorsen.