
app Magazine A Gift of Music

A $2.5 million gift from the Adams Family Foundation will establish an endowed chair in music at app.

The gift supports a new faculty position, the Adams Chair of Music and Worship, and a $500,000 endowed fund for music department offerings.

“We are committed to enhancing app’s music program not just for its fine students but for the impact it can have on the community,” Denise Adams said.

Mrs. Adams, a gifted artist, is a college trustee and a member of the app Art Council, a community group that supports the college’s art programs.

“We are deeply grateful to the Adamses for this extraordinarily generous gift,” President Stan D. Gaede said. “Not only will it allow us to continue building our music program, but it will enable us to strengthen the long tradition of music in worship. We are absolutely delighted by this contribution to the arts at app.”

Provost Shirley Mullen added: “It is our hope that this position will enable us to enhance the role that music plays in our overall campus program and that it will enable us to strengthen our connections with Santa Barbara churches and the Santa Barbara arts community.”

This is the third significant gift the college has received from the Adams Family Foundation. The foundation gave the college two gifts of $5 million each during the recent capital campaign.