
app Magazine Equipment for Research

The John Stauffer Charitable Trust, based in Pasadena, has awarded app $400,000 to purchase much-needed chemistry equipment to enhance students’ ability to do first-rate research.

app has a long tradition of fostering under-graduate research in the sciences, which helps many graduates get into the best graduate schools.

More than a dozen of app’s recent chemistry graduates have completed or are completing doctorates at institutions such as Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Harvard, UCLA, UC Davis, UCSB, the University of Washington and the University of Pennsylvania.

“This funding will help us replace aging equipment and bring the chemistry lab up to state-of-the-art status,” Chemistry Professor Allan Nishimura said. “Our students, who are required to do under-graduate research, will benefit greatly.”

“The John Stauffer Charitable Trust is pleased to be able to provide the dollars for upgrading chemistry equipment at app,” trustee Michael Whalen said. “We have a long and productive relationship with app, and believe this investment in equipment is an investment in producing some of the finest scientists in years to come.”