Secondary Education English Fast Track
Note to students: Remember that this is a SAMPLE. Your schedule, for many reasons, will probably not end up looking exactly like this. What’s shown is a “fast-track” schedule. Be aware that you also have the option of completing the English major over a four-year period, with a fifth year reserved for your teaching credential. Requirements will differ if you enter app with AP or college credit. Please confer with English department advisor as major requirements sometimes change. Pre-requisites for the Education Program are in bold.
Sample Schedule
FALL (17)
- ENG 60: Writers in Conversation (4)
- GE Common Context (4)
- GE Common Inquiry (4)
- GE Common Skill: Foreign Language (4)
- PEA 32: Fitness for Life (1)
- ENG 44: Studies in World Lit (4)
- GE Common Context (4)
- GE Common Context (4)
- GE Common Inquiry (4)
- PEA (1)
FALL (17)
- British Lit (before 1800) (4)
- ENG 104: Mod. Grammar and Comp (4)
- GE Common Context (4)
- GE Common Inquiry (4)
- PEA (1)
- Upper Division Lit course "Focusing on Identity" (4)
- ENG 106: Language Acquisition (4)
- TA 10: Acting or 20: Survey of Theatre Arts (4)
- GE Common Context (4)
- PEA (1)
- GE Common Inquiry (4)
FALL (18)
- Upper Division Literature Option or Organized Historically (4)
- Upper Division Literature Option or Writing Option (4)
- ED 105: Cultural Diversity (4)
- ED 101: Explorations in Teaching (4)
- KNS 156: Health Education (2)
- Upper Division Literature, Single Author, or ENG 163 option (4)
- Upper Division Literature or Writing Option (4)
- Communication Option (4)
- GE Common Inquiry (4)
- ED 161: Technology for the Classroom Teacher (2)
- ENG 192: Capstone (2)
- ENG 106: Language Acquisition (4)
FALL (18)
- ED 111: Educational Psychology (4)
- ED 122: English Curri. & Instructional Planning (4)
- ED 171: Content Area Literacy (4)
- ED 130: Special Education (2)
- Elective (4)
- ED 191: Student Teaching (12)
- ED 196: Student Teaching seminar (3)
Assumptions underlying this plan:
That students will meet the 3 Writing for the Liberal Arts requirements through courses already listed here (requires appropriate qualifying score on the SAT II).
That the student will fulfill Common Skills: B (Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning) at the same time as one of the Common Inquiry Courses.