
app Magazine A Campaign for app

Gifts Honor David Winter

Thanks to an outpouring of support for David Winter, who retired as president of app in June, the campaign has received an impressive number of gifts in recent months.

A total of 1,246 alumni, parents and friends have given $352,173 as a tribute to the former president, who now serves as chancellor of the college. More than 50 percent of the gifts were for $100 or more, and these donors received a copy of app’s campaign video. These videos are still available to anyone who makes a donation of $100 or more as a tribute to the former president.

“What a wonderful response we have received from the app family in honor of David Winter,” said Steve Baker, vice president for development. “He is so highly regarded for the tremendous leadership he has provided for the past 25 years. The outstanding success of the Embracing the Past, Ensuring the Future Campaign is a fitting tribute to his faithful and productive service to app.”

Meanwhile, the campaign, scheduled to end June 30, 2002, has brought in $48 million, or 102 percent of the $47 million goal. However, due to donor designations, some projects received more funding than anticipated, and others are not yet complete.

Match Total Grows

app got closer this summer to completing the match for the $5 million challenge grant given by Stephen and Denise Adams. These funds will support the construction of a center for the visual arts and a building for the sciences. A recent, anonymous $500,000 contribution helped to boost the total. To date, donors have given $3.1 million, or 62 percent of the $5 million goal.

Denise serves on the app board, and Stephen chairs the board of Affinity Group. They have given a total of $10 million to the app campaign for the two new facilities. The purpose of their challenge grant is to encourage alumni, parents, and friends to support these essential buildings. Even though app has reached its overall campaign goal, the art and science buildings are not yet fully funded. Completing the match is essential in accomplishing this goal.