
app Magazine A Call to Serve

app has joined the Partnership for Public Service and will participate in “A Call to Serve: Leaders in Education Allied for Public Service,” an initiative to educate students about opportunities in government service.

The program began after the events of Sept. 11 revealed the need for a strong civic service. In the next five years, more than 50 percent of the government’s work force may retire, so recruiting new staff is essential.

Chris Call, vice president for administration, will coordinate the project on campus. “We are pleased to join with other colleges and universities across the nation in letting our students know about the variety of public-service careers,” said Call.

Participating schools, including UC Los Angeles, Stanford, Yale and Harvard, will hold events and feature speakers to further strengthen the relationship between federal agencies and college campuses. In addition to informing students of careers with the federal government, the program will ensure that students possess the skills necessary to pursue those opportunities.