
Blog Posts by Milan Barrero

Milan Barrero
  • Where Gratitude Leaves Us

    November 11, 2019

    We use the word “gratefulness” during the fall as Thanksgiving approaches. We remember the things we’re grateful for. And yet, I find it challenging to take a stance of gratitude during times of stress or emotional pain. I believe that the more vulnerable we become about how we’re feeling, the more we’re able to internalise our mental state. 

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Packing Like a Minimalist

    October 1, 2019

    Most college packing guides feature long lists of things you’ll need without explaining why they’re useful. This particular list is not a perfect guide, but it includes the functional and essential things--with a short description of their usefulness. Ideally, I find that when you are packing it is best to organize by utility. 

    Hopefully this clothing list will help narrow down what you actually wear on a daily basis.

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  • DC: Delightful Creations

    September 12, 2019

    Choosing to eat healthy can be hard when it comes to the DC. I know I have eaten just a plate of french fries when there was a potato bar for dinner. I understand when you just aren’t feeling it and you decide to sadly shuffle over to make yourself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch; but fear not, for I have the perfect solution to your potato problems. 

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