
Student Life Handbook: Policies and Procedures Accountability and Integrity

°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp is deeply concerned about students who are involved in or are victims of situations that can interfere with their attitude and character development. The issues outlined in our Behavioral Expectations are all concerns we must address as a community.

However, being interested not only in the letter of the law but in the spirit as well, our concerns are much broader than the specific behavioral expectations in this handbook. The spirit of the law emphasizes our life in Christ. Are we seeking to be more like him? To gain his insights? To conform to his priorities? To seek him in all of our lives? These expectations govern the spirit of the expectations of each member of this community.

While the great majority of students are conscientious about living responsibly, past experience indicates that imposing consequences for irresponsible behavior is necessary to hold the irresponsible few accountable and to minimize their negative influence on our desire to be a community that follows Jesus Christ. °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp believes that if the residence halls are to be places that facilitate growth and development, unhealthy and counter-productive lifestyles and patterns of behavior must be confronted. It is as much your responsibility to confront other students as it is the responsibility of the deans, faculty and residence hall staff. Integrity is a key value in our community. It is evidenced by a congruence between word and deed, a willingness to accept responsibility for our actions, and a commitment to represent the actions of others accurately. You will be held accountable for the agreement you signed in your application to °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp.

In the context of eternity, breaking a rule once (such as committing a room violation) is relatively insignificant. However, when you give your word in writing that you will not engage in certain behavior and then willfully break that agreement; your action is of great concern.

All students are expected to be aware of and uphold the policies set forth in this Student Handbook, the college catalog and any other official college documents. While the following section is not exhaustive, it does summarize specific issues of concern to the °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp community for which sanctions may be applied.