
HISTORY: 1940S °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp on the Move

As early as December, 1943, Dr. Emerson asked the board of trustees to prayerfully consider a new location for °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp. His vision for the finest possible Christian college demanded a plant much larger than the six acres of the Los Angeles campus. He noted that colleges generally required a minimum of 60 acres, but considered 100 acres a ā€œmore desirable size.ā€ Today °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s campus is 133 acres.

The facilities in Los Angeles were limited and became overcrowded as enrollment increased. The main building, Kerrwood Hall, housed a womenā€™s dormitory, administrative offices, classrooms, an auditorium, a dining room, a kitchen, and a Student Union. °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp also owned science and library buildings, but they werenā€™t fireproof. Even with a new dormitory for men, the College lacked adequate housing.

1940s classroom

As Dr. Emerson noted, ā€œThere is absolutely no place that offers opportunity for new buildings on our present holdings.ā€ The gradual purchase of property in the neighborhood didnā€™t seem feasible as real estate prices would rise once the Collegeā€™s intention became known.

So the trustees began searching for property with both acreage and existing buildings. Buying land and building on it simply wasnā€™t an option in 1944 with the shortage of labor and materials created by the war.

One site, a former golf course with a large club house in Altadena, seemed ideal. ā€œThe campus area, consisting of 115 park-like acres, has for a background the rugged San Gabriel Mountains, while in the foreground lies Pasadena, one of the beautiful cities of the nation.ā€ (Quarterly Bulletin, November, 1944)

When the trustees approached the bank to purchase the property, they learned that Los Angeles County had appropriated $150,000 to obtain the land for a park. Altadena citizens were trying to raise an additional $25,000 to meet the cost of $175,000 set by the County and the bank. Unprepared for the bitter opposition they would encounter, the trustees made an offer of $200,000 which the bank accepted. °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp bought the land unconditionally even though they needed a zoning change to operate a college in the residential area. They also made plans to purchase three local homes to use as dormitories.

The front-page story in the Pasadena Independent announcing °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s plans hinted at the storm to come. ā€œThe Altadena Golf Club property, subject of a long and heated controversy, wonā€™t be turned into a county park after allā€¦

ā€œThe Independent yesterday learned on reliable authority that the 115-acre tract in the center of Altadenaā€™s prime residential area has been ā€˜bought out from underā€™ the county and soon will become the campus of °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€¦.ā€ (August 25, 1944)

The Pasadena Star News gave more details. Its reporter explained the zoning change °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp needed and quoted Mr. William Harding, chair of the Altadena Citizensā€™ Association, an organization that eventually opposed the College.

Two days later, the Independent noted that °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s purchase had been ā€œgreeted enthusiastically in both Altadena and Pasadena.ā€ But the Pasadena Post (the morning edition of the Star News) observed, ā€œAltadenans long used to the golf course vs. subdivision debate with virtually every civic group on record favoring the golf course, had not quite accustomed themselves to the new development.ā€

Even stronger words came from Harding. The Post quoted his remark that °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp could always get another campus, but Altadenans couldnā€™t find another golf course. He questioned whether the College could survive financially and adequately maintain the property.

Foster Strong, who lived near the golf course, expressed the views of many Altadenans in a letter to the Star News dated September 7. ā€œThe people who live in Altadena moved there and built their homes there because of its atmosphere of being a beautiful, semi-suburban, exclusively residential community. Any action which jeopardizes this atmosphere affects the welfare and investments of several thousand people, and should be scrutinized most searchingly.ā€

Strong questioned the future of private colleges, especially institutions like °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp that had no endowment. He also compared °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp to Pasadena Nazarene College, a small Christian college just a few blocks from the golf course. According to Strong, Pasadena Nazarene had sold much of its land to subdividers to raise money. Even though College officials promised not to subdivide their property, Altadenans feared they would.

The proximity of Pasadena Nazarene didnā€™t help °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp. People in Altadena werenā€™t ready for another small, religious institution in their neighborhood.

°µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s desire to expand to 1,000 students also created alarm. Lt. Col. Edwin Mead expressed his concern about the traffic and noise 1,000 students would generate. ā€œI cannot help but wonder how many cars the students will have and how badly they will clutter up the streets.ā€

Meadā€™s letter briefly mentioned an issue that may have fueled the sentiment against °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp. ā€œAnother factor is the college being interdenominational means that all classes, races and creeds can come here to school.ā€ In the 1940s, Altadena and Pasadena were strictly segregated. No blacks or other minority groups lived in white neighborhoods. Did racial prejudice enter into the opposition to °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp?

In September, the Altadena Citizensā€™ Association announced its opposition to °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s request for a zoning change. Other local organizations joined them. An article in the Star News in October described °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp as a ā€œstrugglingā€ young college with no endowment. In an editorial on October 10, ā€œDo Not Create Blighted Areas,ā€ the Star News argued that increasing traffic in an area drove out ā€œsubstantial citizensā€ and removed the pride of ownerships. ā€œIt is this which Altadenas seek to guard against, and with justice.ā€

One group lined up solidly behind °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp: the local churches. °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp paid for a full-page ad in the local papers to present its case, and the copy included a letter from eleven pastors who supported the College.

But they were a lone voice. When the County Regional Planning Commission held a public hearing on the zoning change in January, 900 people attended. It was the greatest mass meeting in Altadenaā€™s history. After three and one-half hours of testimony, the Commission asked for a vote: 700 people said no.

The Star News noted, ā€œAltadena spoke its peace.ā€ On January 31, they announced the Commissionā€™s decision in a banner headline: ā€œ°µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Denied Golf Club Rezoning: Planning Commission Votes 8 to 1 Against Altadena Property Use.ā€ An editorial suggested that Altadenans didnā€™t feel unfriendly to °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp, ā€œthough there may have been grave doubts in many minds as to the need in this community of another relatively small college. The real issue, to which the community arose, was the integrity of zoning restrictionsā€¦ā€

1940s Kerr and °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp's board

People at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp were stunned. Mrs. Kerr recalled, ā€œOur Board members began asking one another, ā€˜Did we run ahead of the Lord and not ascertain Godā€™s will before we made this purchase?ā€™ Then remembering how much prayer had gone up to the Throne of Grace, we knew that was not so.ā€

The next step was applying for a zoning change that only affected the club house and surrounding area. The County denied this proposal as well. An appeal to the Board of Supervisors met with a third defeat in May, 1945.

°µĶų±¬ĮĻapp faced a serious problem. Culter Academy had bought the Los Angeles campus and the College had to move. Where could they go?

Mrs. Kerr remembered the crisis. ā€œWe had prayed so earnestly about this location, and now it seemed as if every door was closed, but God had marvelous plans underway unbeknownst to us.ā€ One blessing resulted from the sale of the golf course. °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp received a total of $438,000 for the property, more than twice its cost.

God also blessed the frantic search for a new campus. In August, 1945, Mrs. Kerr and several others drove to Santa Barbara to see the Arcady Estate on Sycamore Canyon Road. It had much to offer: 143 acres, a large mansion, a 70-acre lemon grove, a pipe organ, and two swimming pools. But the owners wanted $300,000.

The same day they visited the Holland estate, known as Rancho El Tejado. As she drove through the gates, Mrs. Kerr heard the Lord whisper, ā€œThis is the place I have chosen for you.ā€ The Hollands were asking only for $125,000 for their Mediterranean-style mansion and 125 acres. The trustees voted to purchase it.

Mrs. Kerr described the property enthusiastically: ā€œThis beautiful placeā€¦[had] botanical gardens, a fruit orchard, a 15-acre lemon grove, a pine forest, water lily pools, fern dells, truck gardens, building sites galore, two gardenersā€™ cottages, two four-car garages, and the most beautiful home we had ever seenā€¦. The living room walls were paneled in mahogany, the dining room in oak, the library in walnut, all hand adzed. All bathrooms had marble floors, with gold swan fixtures. There was an electric elevator, a completely equipped kitchenā€¦and a gorgeous crystal chandelierā€¦.ā€

As wonderful as it was, the property lacked dormitory space. So College officials leased a grammar school on Alameda Padre Serra (now part of Brooks Institute) that the Navy had used during the war. It became the womenā€™s dorm. Ruth McCreery, a Christian education professor and dean of women during the 1940s, recalls ordering furniture for this ā€œdormitoryā€ and putting 40 beds in each room. ā€œI wondered what the students and parents would think, but I never heard one word of complaint.ā€

The College found a menā€™s dormitory nearby. Neighbors of the Hollands had watched the students who were working around campus. Mrs. Kerr recalled their reaction. ā€œMr. and Mrs. Klinger came to us voluntarily and offered us their estate at a figure that required only a small down payment with liberal terms on the balance. They stated they had observed our students closelyā€¦and because of their high caliber felt they were a real asset to the communityā€¦.ā€ The Klingerā€™s home became Catherwood Hall until the Coyote Fire destroyed it in 1964.

1940s campus

About six months later, the College purchased a building and 40 acres on Ashley Road for a womenā€™s dormitory known as Emerson Hall. It too was a beautiful estate with formal gardens, and a much better residence than the grammar school.

But space was still tight. Bob Ross ā€™48 recalls his first semester in Santa Barbara. ā€œThere was no dormitory room for me, so they said, ā€˜Would you mind terriblyā€¦if youā€¦[slept] on one of the open verandas at Catherwood?ā€™ It was covered. I said, ā€˜No, Iā€™d be delighted.ā€™ā€

So °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp ended up in Santa Barbara instead of Altadena. In 1990, the ā€œbeautiful, semi-suburban, exclusively residential communityā€ Foster Strong described better fits Montecito than Altadena. And ā€œsubstantial citizensā€ have not fled from the community that has been °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s home for 45 years.

Today it is easy to see Godā€™s hand in the Altadena crisis. But the people who lived through it survived on faith. They were convinced of things not seen, and they believed that God would bless the College. What we see today is the result of their prayers and hope. As we face difficult situations we would do well to remember the strong faith and commitment of the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp community in the 1940s.