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In selecting applicants to dental school, the Admissions Committees depend very much on these evaluations of the applicants provided by undergraduate faculty members. You are asked to provide a thoughtful and complete appraisal of the applicant in relation to other students you have known. If you do not know the applicant well enough to complete this form, please notify him/her directly and return the form. Your early reply is appreciated, since the applicant will not be evaluated without your appraisal. This evaluation includes some general questions, a profile section, a summary evaluation and a separate letter. This letter is of greatest importance in representing the candidate to the Dental Schools, and it should receive your thoughtful attention. If you wish, you may use it to amplify on your answers to the profile section, and particularly to provide anecdotal support for some of your evaluations. In writing the cover letter, I will give particular attention to the following five categories: Intellectual Ability (differentiating between the student's ability to grasp new concepts and to utilize these newly acquired concepts); Motivation for Dentistry; Work Habits; Leadership (realized or potential); and Personal Attributes (including social skills and altruism). Of course, you may or may not be in a position to comment on any of these specific areas, but if you can it would be helpful. As you do so, please provide specific examples where appropriate, as these are especially useful in illustrating an applicant's abilities. The student's integrity is also of special interest, and you may wish to discuss examples in this area. Finally, feel welcome to include anything else you wish in this letter, recognizing that it is a letter of evaluation, not simply a letter of recommendation. Thank you for your cooperation. Kindly fill out and return this evaluation form, along with your Narrative Comments (See #7) to: Dr. Kristi Lazar Cantrell, Department of Chemistry, app, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. If you have any questions, please contact me (565-6175, klazar@westmont.edu) 1. In what capacity have you been associated with the student? A. Instructing (list courses) _________________________________________________________ B. Advising: Academic _________ Research _________ C. Socially _________ D. Other (please specify)_______________________________________________ 2. How long have you known the applicant? _______________________________ 3. How well do you know the applicant? (Slightly) 1 2 3 4 5 (Very Well) 4. To your knowledge, has there been any disciplinary action involving this student? _________ (If yes, please provide a full explanation in the Narrative Comments section or in a letter.) 5. Profile. For each attribute listed below indicate your opinion of this applicant's position on that factor relative to all other students currently at your institution. (See Glossary below for attribute definitions) Outstanding Top 5%Excellent Next 10%Very Good Next 20%Good Next 40%Fair Next 20%Poor Bottom 5%No Basis for JudgmentAcademic AbilityMotivation for DentistryMaturityInterpersonal RelationsSocial AwarenessEmpathyJudgmentResourcefulnessIntellectual CuriosityReliabilityCommunication SkillsPerseveranceSelf-Confidence Glossary of Terms On this evaluation sheet we have attempted to divide the student's personality attributes and academic ability into the criteria below. We realize that these qualities will have different meanings to different people. Therefore, we have included this short glossary to indicate the concepts that members of the committee had in mind when doing the ratings. Academic Ability: Achievement as measured by participation in examinations, discussions and research. Motivation for Dentistry: Genuineness and depth of commitment. Maturity: Personal development; ability to cope with life situations. Interpersonal Relations: Ability to get along with others; rapport; cooperation; attitudes toward supervision. Social Awareness: Sensitivity to and participation in meeting sociological problems. Empathy: Sensitivity to needs of others; consideration, tact. Judgment: Ability to analyze a problem; common sense; decisiveness. Resourcefulness: Originality; skillful management of available resources. Intellectual Curiosity: Extent to which the student is drawn to elucidate an obscure problem. Reliability: Dependability; sense of responsibility; promptness; conscientiousness. Communication Skills: Clarity of expression; articulateness. Perseverance: Stamina; endurance. Self-Confidence: Assuredness; capacity to achieve with awareness of own strengths and weaknesses. 6. Please attempt to produce an overall evaluation of the applicant with respect to other pre-dental students you have known in the past. ______ Outstanding Candidate (Top 5%) ______ Excellent Candidate (Next 10%) ______ Very Good Candidate (Next 20%) ______ Good Candidate (Next 40%) ______ Fair Candidate (Next 20%) ______ Poor Candidate (Bottom 5%) 7. Narrative Comments: Please type your comments on a separate page of letterhead paper, which is signed and dated. Send the letter and this evaluation form to: Dr. Kristi Lazar Cantrell, Department of Chemistry, app, 955 La Paz Rd., Santa Barbara, CA 93108. In addition, please email a copy of your narrative comments to  HYPERLINK "mailto:klazar@westmont.edu" klazar@westmont.edu. Name ______________________________________ Title _________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Department ____________________________ Date _________________________________________ School ________________________________ City _______________________________________ State/Zip ______________________________ This form was modified from one prepared by Mary A. Fruen of the Association of American Medical Colleges and used with their permission. gh: ; W l t x | ) 5 7 : O S ;?fj]q⼱{{{ohyhvCF>*CJaJh??CJaJhhvCF>*CJaJhCJaJh6B5hvCF5CJ aJ h6B5hvCF5CJ$\aJ$hvCF5CJ\aJjhUzUmHnHuhC:bCJaJhs$!CJaJh>9"CJaJhvCFCJaJh??6CJ]aJhvCF6CJ]aJ+V W e '   cENgds$! x7$8$H$^xgds$! $x7$8$H$a$ $7$8$H$a$7$8$H$7$8$H$q()/7GP} (3G|~(5GHkoyz{ع̢̢hhCJaJhhvCFCJaJh>9"h??CJaJh>9"hvCFCJaJhGCJaJ h??hvCFhs$!hvCFh CJaJh>9"䴳)䴳䴳:䴳󱹰䴳6*+$,3<i{ٻٲ}uhC:bCJaJh>9"hvCFCJaJ h>* h >*h??hvCF>*hhvCF5hUzhvCFmH sH hhvCF>*CJaJhhvCF5CJaJh6B5 h??h6B5 h??hvCFhvCFCJaJh>9"h(hhvCFCJaJhhvCFh??.N+,-9@JS]fkty $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If7$8$H$h7$8$H$^h`kd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifkd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifgdkd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifkdp$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal    $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifkd@$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal$%&'()*+ $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If+,kd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal,456789:; $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If;<kd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal<EFGHIJKL $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$IfLMkd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lalM]^_`abcd $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifdekd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lale|}~ $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$IfkdP$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifkd $$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifkd$$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifkd $$IflִS W#\(06    4 lal $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$Ifkd $$IflִS W#\(06    4 lalZE G3HEf 7$8$H$^x7$8$H$^gd xgd x7$8$H$]^gd 7$8$H$]^ $*JPkq  I K M O \ d "!#!$!*!7!8!:!;!9"h>9" h>9"hvCFh>9"hC:bh0JhC:bhC:b0Jj` hC:bUjhC:bUhC:bh)[h hhhvCF5>*󱹰5󱹰󱹰䴳:䴳󱹰䴳>9"䴳2;!9"CJaJhvCFCJaJhvCF(/ =!`"`#@$@% n#V|LybPNG  IHDR\Z51EgAMABOiCCPGeneric RGB ProfilexU]hU>sg#$Sl4t? 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