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A sense of humility regarding communication choices.Biblical/Ethical KnowledgeDemonstrates faulty or clichd understanding of biblical and ethical perspectives. From no to some biblical/ethical references made, perhaps out of context. Demonstrates some understanding of biblical and ethical perspectives, mostly in non-formulaic ways. Mentions appropriate Scriptures and ethical principles/themes.Strong to sophisticated understanding of biblical and ethical perspectives, articulates more mature treatment of Scripture and detailed explanation of ethical principles.Biblical/Ethical ApplicationDemonstrates faulty or superficial application of biblical and ethical perspectives in concrete situations. Evidences little to no connection between faith/moral commitments and practical living. Demonstrates observable application of biblical and ethical perspectives, shows appropriate relevance of biblical and ethical perspectives. Use of Scripture is in context. Thoroughly applies biblical and ethical perspectives, demonstrating nuanced connections to concrete situations. Applies more complex Scriptural connections.  Results: We met our benchmark of having 85% of papers evaluated as developed or highly developed. Percent of papers rated as emerging, developed, and highly developed for biblical & ethical principles  Emerging DevelopedHighly DevelopedTotal Number Papers RatedBib/Eth Self-Awareness175628N= 18Bib/Eth Knowledge86428N= 47Bib/Eth Application165133N= 43 Comments on Our Findings: Overall, students are well grounded in biblical and ethical knowledge and application. For the most part, they are able to identify appropriate ethical and biblical perspectives and apply them to complex situations when asked to do so. We would like to see more of our students in the highly developed category, however. Students are comfortable and general competent in discussing their values. We noticed a tendency, however, toward proof-texting of Scriptures. Students need to establish more context when they reference scripture. A related concern is the practice of assuming the correctness of their ethical positions instead of explicitly defending their arguments or providing good reasons for their ethical approach. Action Taken: Each faculty member is creating in-class assignments that foster direct, contextually strong references to biblical/ethical principles. >EFijk ) n o w x qq`Uq`Uq`Uh-h8hCJaJ!h-h8hB*CJPJaJph$h-h(v5B*CJPJaJphh-h8h5CJaJ$h-h8h5B*CJPJaJphh_uh8hCJaJh(vCJaJh_uhJACJaJh_uhs5CJaJ h_uhJA5B* CJaJphc$# h_uhs5B* CJaJphc$# h_uh8h5B* CJaJphc$#Fjk $Ifgd8hgdJA$a$gdJA -$ $Ifgd8hkd$$Ifl\$2     t(0PMPMPMPM6PMPMPMPM44 lap(yt- D E F n $Ifgd8h $Ifgd(vn o ( -$$$ $Ifgd8hkd$$Ifl\$2    t(0PMPMPMPM6PM44 lap(yt-( ) w x 4kdb$$Ifl\$2    t 0PMPMPMPM6PM44 lap(yt- $Ifgd8h [  $Ifgd8h +&$$gdJAkdP$$Ifl\$2    t(0PMPMPMPM6PM44 lap(yt-  `bjtuvw"#$Ź{j_j_j_Th_uhJACJaJh-h_uCJaJ!h-h8hB*CJPJaJphh-h_u5CJaJ$h-h(v5B*CJPJaJph$h-h8h5B*CJPJaJphhh_u6CJaJhh8h6CJaJh_uhX 5CJaJh_uh8hCJaJh_uhX CJaJh_uh_u5CJaJh_uhJA5CJaJuvw $$Ifa$gd-$$If]^a$gd- $If]gd-kd$$Iflr2 & T  t20PMPMPMPMm&6PMPMPMPMPM44 lap2yt-$dh$Ifa$gd-$dh$If]^a$gd-dh$If]gd-kd$$Iflr2 & T  t20PMPMPMPMm&6PM44 lap2yt-$dh$Ifa$gd-$dh$If]^a$gd-dh$If]gd-'dh$If]gd-kd`$$Iflr2 & T  t 0PMPMPMPMm&6PM44 lap2yt-"$dh$Ifa$gd-$dh$If]^a$gd-"# kdb$$Ifl:r2 & T  t20PMPMPMPMm&6PM44 lap2yt-#$>'gd8h$5>-XNWr'h_uh2CJaJh_uh_uCJaJh_uhJACJaJh(vCJaJh_uh8hCJaJh_uhJA5CJaJh_uhs5CJaJ.:p_u/ =!"#$% $$If!vh#v#v #v #vL :V l  t(0PMPMPMPM6552 5 5 / PM/ p(yt-D$$If!vh#v#v #v #vL :V l  t(0PMPMPMPM6552 5 5 / PM/ / / / p(yt-$$If!vh#v#v #v #vL :V l  t 0PMPMPMPM6552 5 5 / PMp(yt-d$$If!vh#v#v #v #vL :V l  t(0PMPMPMPM6552 5 5 / PM/ / / / / / p(yt-0$$If!vh#v #v#v#vT#v:V l  t20PMPMPMPMm&65 555T5/ PMp2yt-v$$If!vh#v #v#v#vT#v:V l  t20PMPMPMPMm&65 555T5/ PM/ / / / / p2yt-$$If!vh#v #v#v#vT#v:V l  t 0PMPMPMPMm&65 555T5/ PMp2yt-$$If!vh#v #v#v#vT#v:V l:  t20PMPMPMPMm&65 555T5/ PM/ / / / / / / p2yt-j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH L`L i;Normal$CJOJQJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List D@D CRY Balloon TextCJOJQJaJz@z JA Medium Grid 1 - Accent 2d^m$CJOJPJQJaJtH @ (v Light List - Accent 1+:V0j;@ j; jQ jQ jQ jQ j j 44&B*OJPJQJ^Jph CJaJ@# (v Light List - Accent 3+:V0PMPMPMPMj;@ j; jQPM jQPM jQPM jQPM j j 44&B*OJPJQJ^Jph CJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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