
January 13 - March 26, 2022 Marie Schoeff: Amplifying the Between


On View: January 13 - March 26, 2022



Marie Schoeff strongly believes one's sense of place on the globe creates a special attachment

to those lines of latitude and longitude where one spends significant time. Schoeff is an artist

with a dual identity, having studied art on both the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts. Marie Schoeff

has lived and worked in Santa Barbara for close to four decades. Her connection to art

making, rooted in drawing, has at its core a profound yet unpretentious relationship with

nature and spirituality. Our thanks to a consortium of friends and patrons who generously

supported this exhibition. 




*Image: Marie Schoeff, Condense, 2003, Oil on board

Marie Schoeff Behind The Scenes

Between Ordinary

The Day Prints

M to Me to Mine

Artist Lecture