
Programs | Gaede Institute Archive: Fall 2021

Fall 2021 Public Events

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Poetry Reading: Somewhere to Follow
Paul Willis | app
with additional readings by Simeon Michelson and Abigail Pak

Thursday, September 2, 4:00 PM
Reynolds Lawn
Sponsored by the app English Department

Holistic Health Care Is Not Reimbursable... So What Do We Do? Lessons from Baltimore and East Africa
Matthew Loftus, MD

Wednesday, September 15, 6:30 PM

Sponsored by the app Sociology & Anthropology Department and Pre-Health club

Restoring Vernal Pool Wetlands: Hope for California's Endangered Ecosystem
Joanna Tang | UCSB

Wednesday, October 6, 5:30pm
Whittier Tent 1
Biology Department Lecture

Ronald See

Lost in the Weeds? A Neuroscience Perspective on Cannabis
Ronald See | app

Thursday, October 7, 5:30pm
The Grayson Building outdoor courtyard**
29 West Anapamu St., Santa Barbara
app Downtown Lecture

**This event will be held in the interior courtyard of the Grayson Building. Park in city lot 4 (Chapala between Figueroa and Anapamu) for the most convenient access.

Augustine on Adam and Eve: Room for Evolution?
Gavin Ortlund | First Baptist Church, Ojai

Friday, October 22, 3:30pm
Winter Hall 210
Pascal Society Lecture, sponsored by the app Departments of Chemistry and Religious Studies

Child Workers Redefining a Bolivian Childhood in the Código Niña, Niño y Adolescente
Elizabeth Gardner | app

Thursday, November 11, 7pm
Global Leadership Center
Paul C. Wilt Phi Kappa Phi Lecture

Life, Sex, and Faith Post Purity Culture
Emily Hauck | Mount. St. Mary's University

Monday, November 15, 6pm
Gender Studies Lecture

Placing Faith and Life in a Wounded World
Norman Wirzba, Duke University Divinity School

Tuesday, November 16, 3:30pm
Gaede Institute Lecture

Book Launch: Restless Devices
Felicia Song, app
with Zak Landrum

Tuesday, December 7, 6:30pm