The Gaede Institute co-sponsors a variety of faculty-organized lecture series: the Pascal Society Lectures, which engage questions of science and faith; the Erasmus Society Lectures, which bring to campus leading scholars in the humanities; two annual lectures organized by app's chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi honors society; special World Christianity, Gender Studies, and departmental lectures; and its own Reel Talk film discussion series. To add these events to your Google Calendar, follow , then click the small + icon in the bottom-right corner of the page. Unless otherwise noted, events are free and open to the public.
The Science of Virtue: Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church
Mark McMinn, George Fox University
Tuesday, January 22
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Martin Institute Lecture
Mitigate, Adapt—or Suffer: Connecting Global Change to Local Impacts and Solutions
Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech University
Thursday, January 24
1:15 PM | Global Leadership Center
Pascal Society Lecture | *Special tour of “Watershed” exhibit at the app Ridley-Tree Museum of Art to follow at 3:00 PM.
Becoming the Stories We Tell
Ken Wytsma, Kilns College
Monday, January 28
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
app in San Francisco Lecture
What do the Dead Sea Scrolls Teach Us about the Bible?
Sidnie White Crawford, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tuesday, January 29
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
app-UCSB Lecture in Early Christianity
The Race Problem in American Christianity
Peter Choi, Newbigin House of Studies
Wednesday, January 30
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
app in San Francisco Lecture
Imperiled Reptiles: Diversity and Conservation of California Turtles, Lizards and Snakes
Amanda Sparkman, app
Thursday, January 31
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sustainability Speaker Series
Is Faith Good for Me?
Rebecca Chan, San Jose State University
Monday, February 4
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Erasmus Society Lecture
A Poetry Reading by Jennifer Maier
Jennifer Maier, Seattle Pacific University
Thursday, February 7
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
app Reading Series
A Conversation on Youth and Vocation
David Kinnaman, Barna Group
Monday, February 11
8:30 AM–1:00 PM (public lecture 9:00 AM) Global Leadership Center
Free registration is required for lunch. Contact
Amazing Properties of Infinite Sums
James Sellers, Penn State
Thursday, February 21
3:30 PM | Adams 219
Mathematics Department Lecture
Why Watersheds Deserve Attention: A Panel Discussion
Julia Keanne, Naomi Tague, and Nell Campbell
Tuesday, February 26
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sustainability Speaker Series
Africa: Perspectives from Three app Scholars
Cynthia Toms, Serah Shani, and Carmen McCain
Wednesday, February 27
4:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Losing the Forest for the Trees: On the Loss of Economic Efficiency and Equity in Federal Price-Fixing Class Actions
Martin Asher, app
Wednesday, February 27
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Paul C. Wilt Phi Kappa Phi Lecture
Reel Talk: "Modern Times"
hosted by Deborah Dunn, app
Thursday, February 28
7:00 PM | Porter Theater
Mathematics for Human Flourishing
Francis Su, Harvey Mudd College
Friday, March 1
3:30 PM | Winter Hall 106
Mathematics Department Lecture
“I Belong . . . in Two Worlds”: Reconciling Secular and Spiritual Ambition in the Autobiography of Constance Maynard (1849–1935)
Laura Green, Northeastern University
Thursday, March 7
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Gender Studies Lecture
C.S. Lewis vs Democracy
Micah Watson, Calvin College
Monday, March 18
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Political Science Department and the Center for American Democracy
U. S.-China Relations Since the Twentieth Century
Dong Wang, Shanghai University
Tuesday, March 19
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Erasmus Society Lecture
The Eighteenth Annual Conversation on the Liberal Arts: “High Anxiety: Liberal Arts and the Race to Success”
With plenary speakers Timothy Eatman, Connie Horton, and Jaco Hamman
Thursday through Saturday, March 21–23
Plenary events are open to the public; registration is required for concurrent discussions and meals. More information at
History and Stuff: A Historian’s Reflections on Consumerism and the Environment
Marianne Robins, app
Monday, March 25
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sustainability Speaker Series
How Belief in God is Like Knowing a Dance: Cognitive and Evolutionary Perspectives
Justin Barrett, Fuller Seminary
Tuesday, March 26
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Pascal Society Lecture
"Gun Violence, Mental Illness, and the Law: Balancing Risk and Rights for Effective Policy"
Jeffrey Swanson, Duke University
Thursday, March 28
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sponsored by the Provost's Office, the Gaede Institute, and the Center for American Democracy
Reel Talk: "Places in the Heart"
hosted by Telford Work, app
Thursday, March 28
7:00 PM | Adams 216
The Sex of Sin: Theologies of Sin and the Evolution of Sexual Difference
Megan Loumagne
Friday, April 5
3:30 PM | Winter Hall
Science and Faith Club Lecture
A Poetry Reading by Kristin George Bagdanov
Kristin George Bagdanov, University of California, Davis
Wednesday, April 10
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
app Reading Series
Book Launch Celebration | Reimagining Your Love Story: Biblical and Psychological Practices for Healthy Relationships
Andrea Gurney, app
Thursday, April 11
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sponsored by the app Provost's Office
Reel Talk: "The Insult"
hosted by Carmen McCain, app
Tuesday, April 16
7:00 PM | Adams 216
Santa Barbara's Farmer's Markets
Sam Edelman, Certified Farmers Market Association
Tuesday, April 23
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sustainability Speaker Series
Spring 2019 Lecture Recordings
The Science of Virtue: Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church
Mark McMinn, George Fox University
Tuesday, January 22
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Martin Institute Lecture
Mitigate, Adapt—or Suffer: Connecting Global Change to Local Impacts and Solutions
Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech University
Thursday, January 24
1:15 PM | Global Leadership Center
Pascal Society Lecture | *Special tour of “Watershed” exhibit at the app Ridley-Tree Museum of Art to follow at 3:00 PM.
Becoming the Stories We Tell
Ken Wytsma, Kilns College
Monday, January 28
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
app in San Francisco Lecture
Is Faith Good for Me?
Rebecca Chan, San Jose State University
Monday, February 4
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Erasmus Society Lecture
Why Watersheds Deserve Attention: A Panel Discussion
Julia Keanne, Naomi Tague, and Nell Campbell
Tuesday, February 26
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sustainability Speaker Series
Losing the Forest for the Trees: On the Loss of Economic Efficiency and Equity in Federal Price-Fixing Class Actions
Martin Asher, app
Wednesday, February 27
7:00 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Paul C. Wilt Phi Kappa Phi Lecture
“I Belong . . . in Two Worlds”: Reconciling Secular and Spiritual Ambition in the Autobiography of Constance Maynard (1849–1935)
Laura Green, Northeastern University
Thursday, March 7
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Gender Studies Lecture
C.S. Lewis vs Democracy
Micah Watson, Calvin College
Monday, March 18
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Political Science Department and the Center for American Democracy
"Gun Violence, Mental Illness, and the Law: Balancing Risk and Rights for Effective Policy"
Jeffrey Swanson, Duke University
Thursday, March 28
3:30 PM | Hieronymus Lounge
Sponsored by the Provost's Office, the Gaede Institute, and the Center for American Democracy
**Video will be available approximately one week following event.